Ad Report

At, we take the issue of fake job ads very seriously. If you come across a job ad on our website that you suspect is fraudulent, please report it to us immediately. Our team will investigate the ad and take appropriate action to ensure the safety and security of our users.

To report a fake job ad, please reach us out at mention “Job AD Report” in subject line. Provide as much information as possible about the ad, including the job title, company name, and any other details that you think may be relevant. We appreciate your help in keeping our job portal safe and secure for all job seekers.

At, we are committed to providing a safe and reliable platform for job seekers to find their dream jobs in the UAE. If you have any concerns or questions about job ads on our website, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always here to help

Take care to avoid fraudsters!

You should never pay anyone for a job application, an interview test, or an interview. A genuine employer will never request payment from you.

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